2024 -2025 Annual Renewal

All tools, infographics, job-aids, and FAQ's from National Scouting America can be found by clicking here:

Unit and Membership Renewal | Boy Scouts of America (scouting.org)


The renewal (recharter) process has changed effective March 1, 2024. Member Renewal and Unit Renewal are now separate processes. Members now renew annually based on when they join. The unit recharter is a simpler stand alone process coordinated by the a member of the unit Key 3 or designee.  

Unit Renewal (recharter) Process Update: The unit renewal is NO LONGER being processed through Internet Advancement. Instead, unit renewals can be updated though My.Scouting.org in Organization Manager.

Unit Renewal will open two months prior to unit's expiration date.

Who has access? The current registered unit key 3 (charter organization representative, committee chair, unit leader) or unit key 3 designee. 

Unit Renewal Process Steps:

1. Login at My.Scouting.org and go to Organization Manager.

2. Click on "Unit Renewal" on the menu. (see note 1 below)

3. Validate Information. (see note 2 below)

4. Make changes to Leadership (if needed) in positon manager. Have leaders take YPT if needed.

5. E-sign the page.

6. Pay and Submit.

The annual charter agreement is mandatory and must be obtained outside of the electronic process. After completing the updated charter agreement, please meet with your district executive to sign and have returned to the council office to be filed. BSA-Annual-Charter-Agreement-Charter-Orgs_2024-2025.pdf

A few notes that are worth mentioning during the 2024-2025 Unit Renewal Process:

  1. Located in Organization Manager, in My.Scouting, and if you are a unit Key 3 member or designee, there's a tool called Unit Renewal that will become active within the two-month period prior to the unit's expiration date. For example, if your unit's annual expiration date is December 31, 2024, the unit renewal tool will be available on November 1, 2024.
  2. When the unit renewal opens, it will run a validation process just like in the past to look at whether the unit leadership is correct, the adults have current YPT, and other unit related validations. If there is an issue, it will show and stop and stop the unit from contiunuing to renew until resolved. 
  3. The unit charter renewal fee is $100.
  4. If the unit wishes to have someone other than the above to process its renewal, the charter representative and only the charter representative can log into https://my.scouting.org, click on the menu button, click “Organization Manager,” select “Position Manager,” and finally “Functional Roles.” Here they’ll be able to assign a registered member of the unit as a chartered organization representative (COR) delegate position.






File Name Description
2025 Annual Membership Fees Download
Adult Application Download
Youth Application Download